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Telling it Like it T.I.S. - Intentional CEO Mentoring


Why join an Intentional CEO mentoring group? Because you need to hear how it really is. Telling it like it T-I is”.

Trust and Integrity are how we tell it like it really is.

Question: How many of us can actually say that we are truly committed to staying in integrity and telling the truth always?

At Intentional Business we work every day to embody these behaviors and I expect the same from my team and our members. My members say that they appreciate my honesty. I don’t sugar coat the truth. I know most CEO's are not used to being questioned on their decisions, but through a facilitated process my members are able to have a confidential conversations and discussion in our executive sessions and 1:2:1 that open each member for change and transformation.

As a former CEO of very successful private-label manufacturing company, I understand you. I also connect with you as a high-performing and high-achiever. What I know for sure is that most often you don't have a safe harbor and that's what we provide. Our members are results-oriented, integrity-based, tight-knit group small and mid-sized business owners. For oour members who are ready to grow, change, scale and transform this can be life changing.

Members who are a great fit are leaders who know they are successful; leaders who love their business; leaders who willingly challenge themselves and others; leaders who ask hard questions and listen to hard answers; leaders that leverage personal and business development as a tool and leaders that embody the ICEO motto:

“If you want to go fast go alone but if you want to far go together.”~African proverb

“Costing versus Investing”

Yes, membership comes with a price. The investment you make in yourself yields a high rate of return. Leaders who are challenged by the amount the financial investment are not definitely ready for the time investment and personal commitment.

Not because they can't afford it but but it isn't the financial commitment that isn't the issue. It is their mindset that is the issue and we don't waste our members time, trying to convince a person who isn't ready for change. Change is something you've got to want for yourself. I've learned over the years, that I can't want it more for you than you want for yourself.

When you look around your business and your life, are you satisfied. Do you wish for more, different, better. Are you ready, willing and able to make both the time and financial investment it will take to shift? Do you have a mindset that keeps telling you that things can be better? Or more importantly, things must be better?

Deciding to invest in yourself is a choice that comes with some humility and self-awareness. Some self-understanding and a willingness, to listen and be listened to. It requires a level of openness and vulnerability that often people cant handle.

Leaders who are ready, willing or able to invest 4-6 hours of every month on the development of themselves and their businesses; have looking closely at the value and are ready for level of sacrifice that comes with a double blessing of relief and release and are prepared to dedicate themselves to a life of continued learning and development.

When you consciously chooses to focus on your Vivid Vision; the decision to invest in something that has a proven 7x – 11x ROI .

Over the years, we have help seasoned business owners double their staff, double their personal income and reduce their working hours from 80 hours per week to 25 hours per week.

I ask you “What investment do you have that can provide a 7x- 11x yield?”

Question: How can we do this?

By creating visions, systems, and accountability.

Can we do this for you?

One of the key aspects of becoming an ICEO is the ability to be honest with the group but more importantly being honest with yourself. So before you decide to signup for a FREE exploratory call ask yourself these five simple questions...

1.Do you feel that you are in a good or great place in life and business?

Your answer should be yes. Members of my group are not searching for a group to save their business; my members want to take their lives and business to the next level. They have some measure of success but know that more is available with the right group of peers and facilitation to ask the hard questions and challenge the hard decisions.

2.Can you envision your next-level of business and personal growth on the horizon?

Your answer should be yes. Members of my group know that growth is happening or will happen; my members want to manage the business growth and take advantage of the personal opportunities which come from working really hard to achieve the measure of success they have.

3. Do you long for a group or individual who can understand the challenges, issues and opportunities which with come with leading a successful organization?

Your answer should be yes. Members of our team would welcome the opportunity to discuss the "undiscussables" of running a successful business. Our group provides the safe-confidential environment to discuss the new strategies, new directions, new hires, new products, or business challenges and receive valuable feedback with no hidden agenda.

4.Would you like to connect with and be challenged by CEOs as success or more successful than you?

Your answer should be yes. Our members meet quarterly with their peers; they have the ear of 16 non-competing CEOs who will listen to your ideas, challenge your decisions, offer alternatives and question your choices so that you don’t have to burden your spouse, partner and significant other with the many strategic decisions that you juggle every day to achieve the success you have achieved.

5. Do you know who and when to hire next for your next level of growth?

Your answer may be yes or no. Our members know that human capital is one of the most important investment in their business. But it goes beyond hiring the right people; do you have the right people in the right positions so they can do their best work. Are they motivated, mission-driven and inspired by your vivid vision?

Our members know exactly why they joined CEO Mastermind and have already received a return on their investment . 

If you've said yes to these questions, why not say yes to taking an exploratory call. Where else can you today that will give you an immediate return on investment?

What separates ICEO programs from other business coaching and mentoring is that they only work with already established somewhat successful business owners and they ONLY coach on how to create intentional success in their business and personal life and because of this the clients receive a proven method Intentional Mindset transformation and implementation of their business model, get more clients and make more money.

As an Intentional CEO mentor and coach I am certain that I have found my purpose. I love my work. My whole team loves helping people thrive and live intentionally successful lives. As I sit across from these phenomenal men and women, I am in awe of all they have accomplished and that they trust me to facilitate their continued growth. I have watched my dreams manifest over the years and marvel that it is truly our choice of whether our dreams become a reality. Listening, coaching and consulting with these business leaders who want to be do and have more is a privilege and I am grateful every day.

Click here to schedule an exploratory session - let's see how we can help you be more intentional.

The Intentional CEO Masterminds groups founded by Dr. Jackson work with small and mid-sized business owners who struggle with creating a intentional business models and would like to increase their profits, create better systems and have more time and money freedom in their lives.

email: or call 708-808-0724 to schedule an FREE exploratory session.

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Intentional Business programs are designed to push you to discover what you truly want out of life. Whether it's accelerating your already successful company or creating a totally a new vivid vision for yourself and your business, we are committed to creating a "Intentional Moments" so that you get in the "Intentional Flow" where you can discover, create, implement and transform your visions into reality and truly live your "Intentional Life".

Intentional Business and Dr. Sakira work with seasoned business owners and professionals to intentionally “transform their ”5-100 person entrepreneurial businesses through proven behavioral, strategic and systematic creation and implementation of business success methods.


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Lansing, IL

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